A List of Commonly Unknown WP Function

Elliott from Laser Red wrote a round up of helpful WordPress functions that you don't usually read about: get_post_field wp_list_pluck antispambot checked/selected body_class human_time_diff wp_send_json_success/error wp_remote_get/post get_template_part If you're a WordPress dev, I really suggest you check out this article, because he gives an explanation and code example for each one of these in an a quick, … Continue reading A List of Commonly Unknown WP Function

WP Seek WordPress Search Engine API

I was happy to stumble across the site wpseek.com, which works as an all things WordPress search engine. What really impressed me though is their API, which let's you do things like get specs on a specific function or a list of all WP functions. For example using the following URL http://api.wpseek.com/?method=wordpress.getfunction&s=the_title will return a … Continue reading WP Seek WordPress Search Engine API